After multiple extensions, open enrollment for health insurance is set to end on Monday, May 25. It’s not too late to get help with signups for health insurance, and people who […]
Health & Healthcare
Covid, HIV, and Cancer: Mulling the Relative Risks
The immunosuppressed could be vulnerable, raising troubling questions
PROVINCETOWN — The novel coronavirus threatens us all — but not equally. Since the earliest days of the outbreak, scientists and ordinary people alike have hunted for information about who […]
Dentists on the Front Lines
‘Somebody has to do this’
Dentistry is one of the most high-risk professions when it comes to disease exposure, but Outer Cape dentists are still finding emergency work to sink their teeth into. Dr. Scott […]
During Crisis, Fewer Options for Animal Care
No hugs for the humans
People with pets that need veterinary care will find limited services and new protocols in place at Outer Cape clinics during the Covid-19 crisis. Most of what’s new will feel […]
Brigades of Makers, Logicians, and Stitchers Advance the Mask Front
3D-printed, imported, and hand-sewn help for the cause
Chris Czekaj slept next to a 3D printer for the first two weeks of April. It wasn’t because he was lonely in isolation, but rather because he had volunteered with […]
Study Suggests Cape Is More Ready for Covid-19
Two hospitals’ capacity compares well to Boston’s in expected surge of patients
Health care facilities around the country are scrambling to deal with the influx of Covid-19 patients, but hospitals on Cape Cod are better off than most. A recent study by […]
Giving Birth During Crisis Adds to Risks
Home birth isn’t for everyone and isolation is a challenge
Covid-19 is a brand-new disease with many unknowns. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites a lack of data on special risks for pregnant women and infants, but with […]
Professionals Tell Parents, ‘Learn to Let Go’
Families and caregivers need to prepare for a marathon, not a sprint
Four weeks into school closures, parents and kids are struggling with disrupted routines, financial stress, and health concerns, and there are no easy answers. “We are all in uncharted territory,” […]
WOMR’s John Perrone, 70, Dies of Covid-19
The popular host of the radio show 'Night Shift'
PROVINCETOWN — John Perrone, 70, whose passion for and knowledge of Motown attracted fans from all over world, died of the novel coronavirus on April 5, 2020, the same day […]
Task Force Organizes Volunteers in Provincetown
The aim is to build capacity for unexpected needs
PROVINCETOWN — The Ptown Covid-19 Task Force came together a month ago as a channel for volunteer energy to help deal with the coronavirus. The pandemic creates challenges across many […]
Two Patients With COVID-19 Describe Their Ordeals
From frightening diagnosis to compassionate community support
As the number of new COVID-19 cases grows daily and the Outer Cape braces for the coming wave of severe illness, now expected to peak in mid-April, two local residents […]
Health Center Funds Dwindle as Patients Stay Home
OCHS puts losses at $1 million per month
PROVINCETOWN — No clinical services to patients have been canceled since Outer Cape Health Services last week furloughed or laid off nearly half its staff because of lost revenue caused […]
OCHS Faces Fiscal Strain in Virus Crisis
Hours reduced, and closing one clinic may be necessary
WELLFLEET — Outer Cape Health Services must reduce its hours and possibly close one of its three clinics at least temporarily because of the financial pressure imposed on the organization […]
An Isolation How-to
Social distancing is hard, but it’s not forever
As cases of COVID-19 begin to be diagnosed in our towns, Cape residents are taking social distancing seriously. “We’ve been really rigorous about it. No play dates. No socializing with […]
Postcards From the Pandemic
Personal reports from around the world to the Outer Cape
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have truly become, despite all the fear and barriers, a global family. Near or far, we are facing the same risks and many of the […]