Spring in New England has come upon us in its usual manic fashion, vacillating between howling, cold, damp nor’easters and beautiful, warm, summer-like days. But the trend this spring has […]
License for Neglected Nauset Marsh Grant Is Revoked
The 2-acre shellfish bed ‘needs to be used’
EASTHAM — A two-acre aquaculture grant in Nauset Marsh that has gone largely untended for several years will be offered to new stewards. At its April 5 meeting, the select […]
Selects Give Chair a Boost
DeVasto’s shellfish grant extension subject to constable’s inspection
WELLFLEET — The select board voted 4-0 on March 23 to approve Chair Michael DeVasto’s request that his two-acre aquaculture grant be enlarged by 1.3 acres, on two conditions: that […]
Gribbin and Colton Get Pier Corp. Seats
Select board urges delay of dockage fee hikes
PROVINCETOWN — The select board has appointed the owner of a fishing business and a former town administrator now living in Provincetown to the board of the Public Pier Corp., […]
Wellfleet Marina Fees to Go Up 15%
Increases will be phased in over 3 years
WELLFLEET — Marina mooring and slip fees will increase by 15 percent over the next three years, but commercial slip holders will get an additional year to prepare for the […]
2 Pier Corp. Members Made to Step Down
Shake-up may lead to big-picture management change
PROVINCETOWN — In the wake of unpopular fee hikes by the board of the Provincetown Public Pier Corp., which manages MacMillan Pier, two members of that board have been forced […]
If Young Fishermen Learn Their Way In, Then What?
New federal program aims to rejuvenate a ‘graying’ fleet
Along the American coastline, historic fishing communities — from the tip of Cape Cod to Alaska’s Bristol Bay — are plagued with a problem. This time, it’s not overfishing, complex […]
This Week In Wellfleet
Meetings Ahead
Meetings are held remotely. From wellfleet-ma.gov, hover over a date on the calendar on the right of the screen and click on the meeting you’re interested in to open its […]
This Week In Wellfleet
Meetings Ahead
Meetings are held remotely. From wellfleet-ma.gov, hover over a date on the calendar on the right of the screen and click on the meeting you’re interested in to open its […]
This Week In Eastham
Meetings Ahead
Meetings are held remotely. Go to eastham-ma.gov/calendar-by-event-type/16 and click on the meeting you’re interested in to read its agenda and learn how to view and take part remotely. Tuesday, Jan. […]
For Wellfleet Shellfishermen, Farmers Market Is ‘Pure Good News’
On the town pier: oysters to go
WELLFLEET — For local shellfishermen, good news this fall was in short supply. Covid’s shuttering of restaurants across the country had wreaked havoc on the wholesale distribution chain, usually a […]
This Week In Eastham
Meetings Ahead
Meetings are held remotely. Go to eastham-ma.gov/calendar-by-event-type/16 and click on the meeting you’re interested in. The agenda provides provide information about how to view and take part remotely. Monday, Dec. […]
This Week In Wellfleet
Meetings Ahead
From wellfleet-ma.gov, hover over a date on the calendar on the right of the screen and click on the meeting you’re interested in to open its agenda. That document will provide […]
At Tuna Negotiations, U.S. Rejects Advice of Scientists
In a successful tuna fishing year, a threat that’s hard to see
In a decision being watched closely by Cape Cod fishermen, the U.S. is rejecting a proposal that calls for a reduction in the total catch limit of the Western Atlantic […]
When Waves Turn Minutes to Hours
The loss of the Emmy Rose reminds us of our mortality
Winter winds and cold temperatures might keep mere mortals inside, but the demand for seafood keeps our commercial fishermen offshore, working to provide for an insatiable market. Working at sea […]