It’s spring, and the town comes more alive, with increasing numbers of visitors arriving. Perhaps, like me, you are coming out of the cloistered, monkish existence of the past six […]
Inner Voices
Dog’s Life
The Flawed Governance of the Herring River Restoration
Announcing plans isn’t the same as involving the community in planning
An article in the April 22 Independent reminded us that the Herring River Restoration Project has progressed to the phase of seeking state and federal approval. The project’s nearly completed […]
Outdoor Dining
We Need a Stronger, More Integrated Public Health System
Some powerful lessons learned from a year of pandemic
The daily Covid updates from the Barnstable County Health and Environment Dept. epidemiologist Vaira Harik continue to trend very favorably, with a few exceptions, and give us a genuine basis […]
Secret Garden
Viscosity etching by Linda Dujack.
Sun in Patient Taurus
Out of the frying pan, into the bull ring
Taurus season is, on its own, a time for the slow and steady approach to life’s curious quandaries. Instead of rushing headlong like Aries, Taurus takes a step back and […]
Night Surf Fishing
Educating Global Citizens
Striking a balance between intellectual discipline and spiritual development
EASTHAM — I moved from Puerto Rico to New York City as an infant. My parents, like so many others, had made the difficult decision to leave their homeland and […]
MAY DAY, 1971
Storming D.C., 50 Years Ago
Remembering the largest mass arrest in U.S. history
In early May 1971, a year after six unarmed student war protestors were shot and killed by the National Guard (four at Kent State University and two at Jackson State […]
Abuttered Up
April in the Neighborhood
The Hitchhiker, Then and Now
What has changed over these 50-odd years?
On an overcast spring afternoon in 1968, I stood on the shoulder of Route 6, outside Hyannis, with my thumb out. After about 20 minutes, the drizzle began, the sparse […]
I Sing the Auto Electric
The fossil-fuel era is ending not with a bang but a whimper
There is an electric car in your future, and you’re going to buy it sooner than you may realize. How do I know this? I just bought one, after saying […]