When I was eight years old, my mother taught me my first basic crochet stitches, thereby connecting me to a long line of crochet blanket makers in my family. When […]
Homemade Face Masks: Sewing a Statement
Last-resort wear, better than nothing, makes a point about a broken system
WELLFLEET — Deirdre Oringer hadn’t sewn in ages. But when her daughter, Alita Pedley, who is an emergency room nurse in Bellingham, Wash., posted a pattern for face masks created […]
Bringing Home a ‘Box Eternal’
A trunk from Kentucky becomes a table on Cape Cod
I am going to miss the chaos of a good estate sale during this time of distancing. My strategy at such gatherings is to stand in one place, ignoring the […]
What’s in a Woodpile?
How to make a holzhausen to warm your home and your spirit
Outer Cape winds can be unruly, knocking trees down in a tantrum. On the days following a storm, the sound of chainsaws rings through the neighborhood. But when the trees […]
Upholstery as an Act of Sculpting
One-of-a-kind pieces, built on good bones
My work as an upholsterer weaves together many threads of my past: an education in art history, fine art, and printmaking; a passion for patterns in wallpaper and fabric; and […]
A Project for Doing Projects
A kit house for the messy business of making things
Being an artist is a messy business. After a day of work, I end up with paint on me, the ceiling, the floor, the dog, and every doorknob in the […]
Upcycle Your Favorite Old Tees
A tote that makes the most of your knot-tying skills
If you have a T-shirt obsession like we do, the truth is you probably have too many of them. They stack up, they multiply, but it’s really hard to let […]
Winter Salve From the Sleeping Garden
A homemade balm to protect skin against the elements
Outside my window, the garden is asleep, the trees a tangle of brown against the gray sky. Yet signs of life appear in colors muted by winter’s breath. The lavender […]
Making Bayberry Candles
Look to the leaves for inspiration from the past
Myrica pensylvanica, also known as bayberry, candleberry, and wax myrtle, is a native species that has long grown across the dunes and woods of the Outer Cape. Unfussy, it tolerates […]
Once a Boy With Toys, Now a Master Metalsmith
Lucas Burnley’s ‘Cypops’ benefit local tots
ORLEANS — You’re 16 years old, into metalwork, and a fan of “Rambo.” Choosing your first project at welding school is easy. “You make a knife,” says Lucas Burnley of […]