NRHS — “Shocked” is how the members of the Nauset Figure Skating Club described their first-place finish at the Harvestfest competition in Dover, N.H. on Oct. 6. The club is […]
Bringing an Arctic Tradition to Nauset Marsh
A wooden kayak, inspired by an Aleutian design, is like a living thing
EASTHAM — From the seat of my kayak I have come to see Nauset Marsh, part of the Cape Cod National Seashore in Eastham, as the Everglades of New England: […]
Diversity Is Provincetown Soccer Team’s Strength
The Fishermen’s coaches emphasize commitment and good sportsmanship
PROVINCETOWN — At the top of the hill on Winslow Street sits Motta Field, home of the Provincetown Fishermen soccer team. It’s an energetic mix of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders, […]