EASTHAM — It’s the first round, and I’m already getting bodied by a little kid in a Minecraft shirt. Seven-year-old Wesley Spoor jumps out of his chair, laughing hard, his […]
Stories that need telling, about the people—past and present—of this place.
Browse all Community stories below or dive into a topic:
On Windmill Weekend, Dragons Are Farmers, Too
The sand art contest makes a comeback at First Encounter Beach
EASTHAM — It was gray and blustery on First Encounter Beach, but nine teams of artists refused to let the summer end last weekend. The peal of a cowbell signaled […]
Cold Water and Warm Smiles at Swim for Life
310 participants raise $300K for local health-care nonprofits
PROVINCETOWN — Hundreds of swimmers braved cold water on Saturday, Sept. 7 for the 37th annual Swim for Life fundraiser. The event, which consisted of 1.2-mile and half-mile swims in […]
For Outer Cape Groomers, It’s a Doggy Dog World
Between blowouts, a word with two of the Outer Cape’s most sought-after professionals
There is perhaps nothing that more consistently occupies the minds and civic spaces of the Outer Cape than questions concerning our dogs. Between leash laws in Truro, dangerous dogs in […]
In Flag Football, Women Show Up for Each Other
Dolphins win this year’s IWFFA ‘P’town Classic’
PROVINCETOWN — Diane Beruldsen spent last Friday afternoon on Motta Field with the Underground Loose Women, Provincetown’s team of flag football players, getting them ready for a weekend of games. […]
Provincetown Celebrates Summer’s End With Flair
The benefit for Outer Cape Health Services raised $170,000 this year
PROVINCETOWN — There was no shortage of spectacle at the 36th annual White Party on Aug. 31, where 800 people gathered to admire each other’s white outfits and raise money […]
At Circus Camp, Teamwork, Trust, and Human Pyramids
Payomet’s program will run after school through mid-October
Gabrielle “Teddy” Ment’s passion for circus goes beyond physical skills and performances: “While we are teaching circus skills,” Ment says, “what we really want to impart is the essence of […]
The Swinging Sisters Are Good on the Green
A foursome’s fun and fierce style fits the spirit of the Eastham Golf Tournament
EASTHAM — Susan Everett, Carol Aro, Eileen Miller, and Dawn Skiba finished each other’s sentences. This tendency, like their golf games, evolved over their four-decades-long friendship, their strengths and foibles […]
The Oldtimers Longboard Classic Turns 50 in the Fog
Surfers brave hurricane-powered waves for a day that’s more ‘goofy’ than competitive
WELLFLEET — Swells from the aftermath of Hurricane Ernesto and an eerie fog mixed with drifting smoke from Canada’s wildfires enveloped White Crest Beach on Aug. 18 as hundreds of […]
Carnival’s ‘Revolution’ Theme Tests the Edge of Vacation Fantasies
In a liberal town with an economy built on fun, political themes were common
PROVINCETOWN — The town’s 46th annual Carnival parade moved down Commercial Street with its typical buoyance on Aug. 22: painted props and bodies glittered in sunlight, and floats sent out […]
The Oldtimers Longboard Classic Turns 50 in the Fog
Surfers brave hurricane-powered waves for a day that’s more ‘goofy’ than competitive
WELLFLEET — Swells from the aftermath of Hurricane Ernesto and an eerie fog mixed with drifting smoke from Canada’s wildfires enveloped White Crest Beach on Aug. 18 as hundreds of […]
Making the Leap in Provincetown
At MacMillan Pier, a summer tradition that’s ‘an exhilaration thing’
PROVINCETOWN — Pier jumping is a tradition here. On almost any summer day when the tide is high, you’ll see people laughing, holding hands, and then leaping off MacMillan Pier […]
3 Young Sailors Come to the Rescue at Town Pier
They were prepared, thanks to Provincetown’s children’s sailing program
PROVINCETOWN — JJ Blake, Andrew Shope, and Kevin Woznac were biking down MacMillan Wharf on Aug. 19 to go pier jumping before their daily lessons at West End Racing Children’s […]
The Art of the Interview
Ira Wood on crafting a ‘directed conversation’
There are four rules that underpin a good interview, says Ira Wood, host and producer of The Lowdown on WOMR. Maybe the most important one, he says, is this: lavish […]
The Domino Effect
For Jamaicans, the game creates community, preserves culture, and passes the time
PROVINCETOWN — Jamaica’s Independence Day on Aug. 6 was celebrated in fits and starts here, as intermittent rainstorms moved across the sky and work commitments drew people away from the […]