An imposing triptych — greenish on the left, then bluish, then purple — hangs on one wall of Siennie Lee’s studio at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Its […]
An Artistic Dialogue Across the Decades
Megan Hinton on two influential Provincetown artists
Although Truro-based artist, curator, and teacher Megan Hinton never met Florence Brillinger or Janice Biala, their work has strongly informed her own art practice. We met recently at the Provincetown […]
Discovering an Early Generation of Provincetown Artists
Important women from Provincetown’s art and civic histories
In 2014, Breon Dunigan and Mike Wright curated the Women Pioneers exhibition at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum to highlight the important roles that women played in the history […]
An Artistic Sisterhood With No Apology
Artist Anna Poor reflects on community and the women who inspired her
While Anna Poor’s connections to the Outer Cape are deep and varied, a group of women artists, writers, and activists she has known and worked with over the years have […]
Jim Zimmerman Connects Provincetown’s Past With Its Present
PAAM’s resident jack-of-all-trades is a fountain of institutional and community knowledge
Jim Zimmerman — camera around his neck — greeted me in the lobby of the Provincetown Art Association and Museum and led us through the museum’s expansive galleries with the […]
Sculptures That Demand to Be Seen
Kristy Hughes packs her works with meaning, both found and made
Kristy Hughes thinks in planes. A printmaker by training who says she “avoided sculpture” throughout her studies, Hughes now makes towering, vibrant, multi-part sculptures, many of which started out as […]
Creating Worlds With Fiber and Glue
Carol Fitzsimons weaves together influences from painting and craft in her richly textured pictures
Carol Fitzsimons’s richly colored and textured works are painstakingly created by adhering small strips of string to canvas board with a toothpick and Elmer’s glue. “It’s like painting with fiber,” […]
Creating a System for the Nonsensical
Two FAWC fellows forge a partnership born of frustration with the status quo
Georgia Dickie, who is from Toronto, and Tinja Ruusuvuori, who lives and works in Tampere, Finland, had never met before arriving in Provincetown for their Fine Arts Work Center fellowships […]
Provincetown’s Gallery Structure Is Challenged
Recent closings are a reminder of the art scene’s storied past and uncertain future
After 35 years in business, Albert Merola and Jim Balla announced last month that their gallery at 424 Commercial St. in Provincetown’s East End will not reopen for the 2023 […]
Where Time and Space Are at a Premium
Artists and institutions grapple with the challenge of creating studios
As housing has grown increasingly difficult to secure in Provincetown, so have art studios. It’s not a recent problem. In 1992, the artist Joyce Johnson, a founder of the Truro […]
The Intimacies of Blake Daniels
Paintings that render friends and lovers in mystical landscapes
Since arriving in Provincetown in October to begin a fellowship at the Fine Arts Work Center, Blake Daniels has spent “an unnerving amount of time just standing by the sea.” […]
Navigating Pleasure and Politics Through Art
Personal expression and political tension are central to Ruby T’s creative process
For Ruby T, who moved to Provincetown in 2021 after living in Chicago for more than a decade, making art is a means to explore overlaps between the political and […]
The New FAWC Fellows Make Their Mark
A quiet, nuanced show offers a first chance to see work by the current visual arts fellows
In her film Untitled (burned rubber on asphalt), 2018, Tinja Ruusuvuori turned her attention to a small community in Norway where she probed one town’s minidrama about a mysterious person […]
An Art Collection With Wellfleet as Its Muse
Michael Parlante collects art with an eye toward a town’s history
When Michael Parlante was a child, the celebrated painter Edwin Dickinson lived across the street from him near Cove Road in Wellfleet. “I’d watch him painting in his front yard,” […]
Reconsidering the Artistic Legacy of Charles Heinz
His paintings of local landscapes reveal a bold and visionary artist
A fickle system determines which artists are remembered and which are forgotten. The Outer Cape has its canon of artists. Some are known internationally, like Edward Hopper, while others are […]