WELLFLEET — For most of the winter and spring, repeated flooding has left Bound Brook Island periodically cut off from the rest of town. For months, the island’s 11 property […]
Go Ahead, Climb the Rock That Holds a Place in Eastham’s Heart
‘No Climbing’ sign at Doane Rock will be removed by Park Service
EASTHAM — For at least the last couple of hundred years, the boulder near Coast Guard Beach known as Doane Rock has been a popular spot for rock climbers and […]
Peak Pine Pollen Is Upon Us
With a burst of sticky yellow dust, the forest’s sex life comes into view
WELLFLEET — The beginning of summer brings a few things denizens of the Outer Cape are wary of, bridge traffic and a bump in gas prices among them. But perhaps […]
Lobstermen and Scientists See a Fishery in Flux
This summer, watching for warming trends and easterly winds
PROVINCETOWN — This year, May 15 marked the beginning of the lobster fishing season on the Outer Cape. The fishery is not an insignificant one here. There are 42 fishermen […]
Dispatch From the World Series of Birding
In New Jersey, watching and listening to win — or not
“Competitive birding” sounds like an oxymoron. People think of birding as a deeply personal hobby. It’s supposed to be about one’s connection with nature and desire to know one’s place […]
Tracing the Shadow of Rodenticides on Cape Cod
Eastham and Wellfleet join Orleans in petitioning for home rule on SGARs
EASTHAM — Sometimes, when a bird arrives at Wild Care, the wildlife rehabilitation center here, Executive Director Stephanie Ellis knows instantly what it is suffering from. She recalls when a […]
Dispatch From the World Series of Birding
In New Jersey, watching and listening to win — or not
“Competitive birding” sounds like an oxymoron. People think of birding as a deeply personal hobby. It’s supposed to be about one’s connection with nature and desire to know one’s place […]
Fishermen Join Fight for Herring Trawler Rules
Push to save river herring may help protect the oceangoing species
The marine ecosystem around Cape Cod is built on the backs of Atlantic herring. These baitfish school in massive numbers, providing food for marine mammals, seabirds, and large fish like […]
A ‘Cape Cod Lawn’ Can Be a Haven for Turtles
Invite nesting by keeping a scrubby yard with sandy patches, not a swath of green
When people design a back yard suitable for wildlife, they tend to create places that are appealing to birds and butterflies. That makes sense, because these animals are appealing visitors […]
Monique Aimee’s Study of Slowness
The Somerville-based illustrator stitches a show of her own
If you’ve spent enough time driving around Massachusetts, you’ve probably seen road signs that say a neighborhood is “Thickly Settled.” It’s an exclusively New England expression, and though the signs […]
U.S. Proposes 8 Wind Energy Areas in Gulf of Maine
Local fishermen’s alliance will question effects of offshore turbines
The U.S. Dept. of the Interior announced last week the proposed auction of eight offshore wind lease areas in the Gulf of Maine. The areas selected by the department’s Bureau […]
The Magic of Peak Migration
Over the next two weeks, millions of birds will be coming our way
As I sit down to write about the birds I’ve seen recently — classic summer birds like barn swallows and Baltimore orioles, the first yellow warblers, and common terns are […]
Winter Floods Set the Stage for More Mosquitoes
Flood waters abate and larvicide is sprayed, but a lot depends on the weather
WELLFLEET — Barton Morris stands in the Duck Harbor parking lot and surveys the floodplain to the north. It’s a cool April day, and it’s been about two weeks since […]
Southern Pine Beetles Arrive on the Outer Cape
Warmer winters bring bark eaters to devour — or maybe just thin — our woods
The forests of the Outer Cape have undergone major changes throughout their history, affected by big forces, from fires to farming to 20th-century development. The next wave of change, however, […]
Gardens That Make Runoff a Resource
How fanya chini and Hügelkultur inform Peter Jensen’s Cape Cod permagardens
ORLEANS — Agroecologist Peter Jensen placed a hose along the road above the Church of the Holy Spirit and turned it on. The water flowed into a dirty channel between […]