PROVINCETOWN — On a cold Monday, 200 or so guests gathered at the United Methodist Church for lunch at the Soup Kitchen in Provincetown, or SKIP. Some had been in […]
Go Slow on the Straightaways – It’s Deer Crossing Season
A review of police dept. data show collision hotspots on Route 6 in all four Outer Cape towns
November is a risky time to be a deer on the Outer Cape. Besides that it’s bow-and-arrow hunting season, collisions between deer and cars are most frequent in this month.
Go Slow on the Straightaways – It’s Deer Crossing Season
A review of police dept. data show collision hotspots on Route 6 in all four Outer Cape towns
November is a risky time to be a deer on the Outer Cape. Besides that it’s bow-and-arrow hunting season, collisions between deer and cars are most frequent in this month.
On the Quizzical Path From Bar Trivia to Jeopardy!
Indie puzzle constructor Sophia Maymudes has the answers
Sophia Maymudes can tell you which goddess’s apple started the Trojan War. She can tell you where to find the island of Komodo, who won a Tony for playing Billie […]
4 Offshore Wind Leases Are Sold
Low sale price affects initial fisheries compensation
This article was updated on Nov. 8. Two companies have won leases for four of the eight available wind energy areas that were selected by the Interior Dept.’s Bureau of […]
Rare November Red Flag Warns of Increased Wildfire Risk
National Seashore says it lacks fire leadership because of cost of housing here
For nearly two weeks, people across Cape Cod have been watching the weather with the danger of wildfires in mind. Since Oct. 26, a National Weather Service red flag warning […]
Late Fall Brings Rare Flycatchers to the Outer Cape
The cause of ‘vagrancy’ remains hard to discern
It was a warm late October evening — one of those days when summer doesn’t seem ready to leave — when I spotted the rarest bird that I’ve ever seen […]
After-Dinner Research on the Outer Cape’s 81 Coywolves
Scat reveals they eschew shorebirds, hunt deer, and also eat our garbage and pet food
Fewer than 50 years ago, there were no coyotes on Cape Cod. Now, they seem to be everywhere.
Question 4 Would Legalize ‘Psychedelics Centers’ and Personal Use
PROVINCETOWN — Among the many choices that Massachusetts voters face on Election Day is ballot Question 4, which would legalize and regulate several psychedelic substances. A “yes” vote would OK […]
Bird-Watching From a Different Cape
Huge numbers of birds fly by Cape May on their fall migrations
By late October, migration is winding down on Cape Cod. Many of our summer visitors are gone, our warblers are filing out to be replaced by sparrows, and our winter […]
In the Shallows of Cape Cod, a Key Habitat Is at Risk
Work to restore eelgrass meadows begins in Orleans and Wellfleet
PROVINCETOWN — As recently as 100 years ago, the shallow waters around Cape Cod were home to thriving eelgrass meadows. These lush, rippling green stretches of habitat were hotspots of […]
Bird-Watching From a Different Cape
Huge numbers of birds fly by Cape May on their fall migrations
By late October, migration is winding down on Cape Cod. Many of our summer visitors are gone, our warblers are filing out to be replaced by sparrows, and our winter […]
Threatened Toads That Struggle Elsewhere Thrive in Provincetown
Scientists are studying how eastern spadefoots evade deadly fungal disease
PROVINCETOWN — The coordinates came with a warning: “The information I just shared … is protected and confidential.” The sender, Alexander Richards, a Ph.D. student at UMass Boston, had gotten […]
Breakfast With the Birds
Seeds and suet fuel migrant flocks and year-rounders
A couple of weeks ago, I felt a chill in the air, and I knew it was time. I drove to Orleans, purchased a 40-pound sack of sunflower seeds, and […]
Sharkfishermen Alarm Surfers at Wellfleet Beach
White sharks were likely target of men armed with bluefish and a drone
WELLFLEET — Surfers at LeCount Hollow Beach called the Wellfleet police on the morning of Sept. 28 to report that three anglers were fishing for sharks there, one of them […]