YARMOUTH — More than a few Outer Cape residents have been shocked by their electric bills this winter, especially those who rely on electric baseboard heaters or heat pumps to […]
Restrooms and Rental Cap Are on the Provincetown Warrant
Voters will see four petitioned articles, plus two on hotel ownership
PROVINCETOWN — Town meetings here follow a fairly standard recipe — articles that fund town government at the beginning, housing measures in the middle, zoning articles at the end. It […]
Provincetown Select Board Previews a Lengthy Warrant
Voters will face an override, two housing votes, and eight zoning changes
PROVINCETOWN — Voters here are likely to be glad about their 2021 vote to add cushions to the seats in town hall auditorium — because the warrant for town meeting […]
Long-Delayed Marina Walkway Moves Forward
Lagasses address a public access requirement of their license to operate their pier
PROVINCETOWN — A 1,825-foot-long public walkway that will allow people to walk out to the tip of the Provincetown Marina has taken two steps forward after years of delays. The […]
Provincetown Plans Budget Override for Fire and Police
Six experienced leaders would be added to the town’s fire department
This article was updated on Feb. 16. PROVINCETOWN — At the April 7 town meeting, voters will decide on a proposed $1.4-million operating override that would expand the leadership ranks […]
Local Housing, Health, Science Rely on Washington
An interruption of federal funding would affect many Outer Cape nonprofits
PROVINCETOWN — In the second week of the new Trump administration, the Office of Management and Budget sent out a memo announcing a “temporary pause” in the “disbursement of all […]
Provincetown Pursues 6-Year $12M Plan for MacMillan Pier
A proper ferry terminal and floating docks for fleet will replace gazebo and aging piers
PROVINCETOWN — Every year, about a quarter-million passengers arrive or depart from the ferry terminal at the tip of Provincetown’s MacMillan Pier. Meanwhile, a fleet of commercial fishing vessels unload […]
Provincetown Ups Year-Round Rental Incentives
Property tax discounts and ‘Lease to Locals’ checks aim to shore up rental market
PROVINCETOWN — This town has for years led the Outer Cape in the production of state-subsidized rental housing, with 174 affordable units already built here and 65 more to be […]
A Shank Painter Vision Will Come to Town Meeting
Zoning to promote pedestrian safety, new housing, and ‘the future as we want it to be’
PROVINCETOWN — If Commercial Street is Provincetown’s unforgettable face, and Bradford Street its beating heart, then Shank Painter Road would be a body part rather less glamorous — the digestive […]
A Resurgence of Whooping Cough Reaches Cape
Boosters are recommended for adults living with infants
TRURO — Pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough for the piercing inhalations or “whoops” that punctuate its painful coughing attacks, has re-emerged in New England this year after four […]
Even on a Tuesday in Winter, Piggy’s Was Packed
Gay and straight, rich and poor: everyone danced together
Ask people who lived in Provincetown in the 1970s about Piggy’s — a modest bar filled with salvaged wood on Shank Painter Road — and you’re practically certain to see […]
Developers Propose 40 Condos, 30 Below Market
Select board likes idea of $4 million to subsidize condos instead of rentals
PROVINCETOWN — The latest effort to create middle-income housing here underwent a major revision this month when the select board endorsed a change in plans for a new 40-unit building […]
At Near Empty Airport, Plans for Next Winter
The town is talking with other airlines and pursuing federal funds
PROVINCETOWN — Out on Race Point Road at the windswept end of the Cape Cod National Seashore, the lights are still on at Provincetown’s airport. The building is open every […]
$15-Million U.S. Grant for Stellwagen Visitor Center Is Canceled
Funds would have covered only some costs of the Provincetown facility
PROVINCETOWN — A yearslong effort to build a visitor center for the Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary ended in October when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration […]
Bylaws Aimed at ‘Keeping the Life in Provincetown’
Boards consider zoning changes and funding for accessory dwellings
PROVINCETOWN — If an autumn evening spent in a meeting room with the select board, planning board, affordable housing council, and Year-Round Market-Rate Rental Housing Trust doesn’t sound like a […]