Striped bass fishing is heating up in the bay, and Billingsgate Shoals is the place to be. A few days ago there were a lot of bass off Wood End […]
Summertime and the Citizen Science Is Easy
Watching whales, tracking sharks, and tagging stripers
The summer season is officially upon us, and now is the time to enjoy all our marine environment has to offer. Whale watching has been fantastic, and people on board […]
Learning to Expect the Unexpected
Melting icebergs send colder, more acidic fresh water our way
The Provincetown waterfront is coming alive with the lifting of the bay-wide 10-knot speed limit. Our first high-speed ferries from Boston arrived this week. Our first cruise ship also came […]
The Whales Have Moved North, and the Stripers Are Here
Special speed rules to protect whales are lifted for the season
The bass are here, and the right whales are not. The whales left a week ago, and the latest aerial survey found no right whales in the area, so NOAA […]
Too Soon to Tell, But Not Too Soon to Worry
Seeing fewer striped bass and bigger storms in the Caribbean
The striped bass are continuing to move into our area, and there seem to be a fair number of fish in Buzzards Bay, but the fishermen to our south in […]
Minimum Sizes for Summer Flounder and Scup Inch Up
And traveling bass, stranded dolphins, and wandering whales
The striped bass are finally heading our way. Reports from south of the Cape indicate slot-size fish have entered the west end of Long Island Sound and the bigger-than-slot-size fish […]
The Spring Show Begins
Watching Provincetown Harbor in wonder as right whales come in close
We are still waiting patiently — or not so patiently in some cases — for the warmer weather to return to get those striped bass moving north. Water temperatures remain […]
A Look at Early Predictions for the 2024 Hurricane Season
Cold water for now, but a warmer ocean could mean a big year for tropical storms
Spring in winter and winter in spring. That’s what this crazy year has brought us so far, along with copious amounts of rain. The more unpredictable the weather seems, the […]
Striped Bass Are Stopped Cold for Now
Reading the rules while waiting for warmer water and pogies
The striped bass spring migration has come to a screeching halt for now. There has been no evidence of any significant movement north in the past week. It seems that […]
Can Cape Cod’s Namesake Fish Come Back?
NOAA says there are signs of hope for cod, but a recovery still seems daunting
Cape Cod is named for the fish that for centuries was extremely abundant in these waters and became the focal point of a major fishery that is no more. I’ve […]
Whales Are in the Bay, and Stripers Are on the Way
New rules to further reduce striper catch will soon be set
Spring is in the air on the Outer Cape. If you don’t believe me, just ask the whales and the stripers. The right whales are in Cape Cod Bay now, […]
A Gray Whale’s New England Visit
Signs of serious warming but also of animals’ adaptability
Greetings from my winter off-Cape worlds of northern Connecticut and New Hampshire. I’m beginning to get excited about returning to Provincetown Harbor for our soon-to-start fishing season. While I sharpen […]
Listening In on the Stripers of Squibnocket
In a coastal pond on Martha’s Vineyard, some bass may be staying year-round
Word is there’s still decent striped bass fishing along our south shore and in the canal. It’s getting kind of late for striped bass to still be here. Although most […]
NOAA Finds Flaws in Its Surveys
Recreational fishermen tend to overestimate the catch
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been looking at the way it gathers information from recreational fishermen for its Fishing Effort Survey (or FES). The idea involves testing […]
Facing a Drop in Numbers of Juvenile Lobsters
Cape Cod's lobstermen may be more ready than Maine’s for tighter rules
If we want to imagine the future, it’s a good idea to take a close look at the young. Last week I wrote about five years of declining striped bass […]