You might see surfing as a virtuous thing. It provides a rewarding focus. It ignites a sense of passion and serves as a creative pursuit. Surfing tunes you into your […]
Puddles of Winter Sunshine
Candles, ornaments, sparkling sugar, and other reminders of Earth’s new tilt
There are few things more glorious than a puddle of winter sunlight. On many afternoons I have gone from being active and productive to melting into soft butter in one […]
Leaning Into the Wind and Rain
The air is raw and the mind protests, but the soul wants to go for a walk
I don’t want to leave the house. My mind says no. It insists on comfort, makes claims about self-preservation, and rejects the idea of going for a walk in the […]
The Simple Joy of Watching the Birds
After hanging a feeder, a nerdiness ensues with new rituals
Five years ago, I walked out into the yard of the house I was renting and hung a bird feeder. “I like birds,” I thought. “Perhaps I’ll enjoy watching them […]
An Epic Tale, in Dialect, With Sound Effects
Footnotes for understanding a surfer’s meaning
Have you ever overheard a conversation between two surfers and wondered “What language are they speaking?” Surfer talk is a dialect that uses borrowed terms, completely made-up words, a wide […]
The Winter Forest Has Its Sounds
Listening to the wind, waves, and the calls and silences of the great horned owl
The cold season has its own aesthetics. Bare. Subtle tones. Grays, browns, tans, blacks, the dormant green of pines. Blue air at dawn and dusk. The sky and ocean wearing […]
Leaning In for a Closer Look at Spiders’ Worlds
Orbs, funnels, and tangles made by nature’s master weavers
This is the season of misty mornings. The air is heavy with moisture that settles into the fields and forests as the sun rises. As this veil of dew comes […]
The Fort Hill Cottonwood Speaks
Resting on her side, a tree downed by a storm still has a story to tell
EASTHAM — The road to Fort Hill winds through low, rolling fields. Just before it climbs the last hill to the parking area overlooking the inlet, it passes something that […]
In the Province Lands Dunes, Listening
On being where the wind gives voice to the world
I began the day with the intention to be silent. There was no one to speak to other than myself. The kettle on the black cast-iron burner whispered a low […]
The King and Queen of the October Meadow
The reasons why goldenrod and aster make a perfect combination
When October rolls in and the sun is a low, luscious gold, the nights rich and cool and purple, two flowers bring us the colors of how October feels. Sunny […]
Look Closely: Now Comes Our Moment of Fall Color
In swamp maples and marsh grass and tupelos, the Outer Cape’s true colors are revealed
I was driving the other day on a back road, winding my way out toward the ocean, and I saw something I’ve seen many times before. But on that day, […]
Practicing the Art of Failing
When experience is the way to success, failure becomes an absolute necessity
I’ve always been uncomfortable with failure. As a child, I established, through some association, the belief that trying something and not achieving the expected outcome was a bad thing. I […]
Leaf Disease Arrives in Provincetown’s Beech Forest
Effects of tiny nematode that has ravaged vast stands are seen here
PROVINCETOWN — The Beech Forest off Race Point Road is a unique part of the Outer Cape: a rare, gentle, and unlikely ecosystem that stands in contrast to the hardscrabble […]
Turning the Corner to Fall
Grackles and goldenrod announce the shift we feel within
The wind blew, and summer was gone. This is how it happens. One day, a day on either side of the middle of August, something changes. The air feels different. […]
Why I Stopped Wearing a Wet Suit
Deciding to say yes to experiences that are uncomfortable
It was a sunny, warm day in mid-May — my first real beach day of the year. I decided to spend a good chunk of the day in the warm […]