Every day since last week’s inauguration, we have heard of the dismantling of another initiative that was put in place decades ago to end institutional racism and hiring practices that […]
Let Us Put Away Violence
Standing in support of the suffering innocent
Certain dates remain etched in our minds for years because of what happened on those particular days. For many of us, Nov. 22, 1963 and Sept. 11, 2001 are two […]
What’s Wrong With Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
It’s a truth more often observed in the breach
One of the greatest joys for a teacher is when students encounter the magic of the tangent: the moment when an event, a question, or an opinion takes a carefully […]
A Prayer for Unlearning
We are all called to the mission of creating lessons of acceptance
We woke up to the news of another mass shooting on Sunday, Nov. 20, this time in a gay club in Colorado Springs. I cannot stop thinking about it, although […]
Educating Global Citizens
Striking a balance between intellectual discipline and spiritual development
EASTHAM — I moved from Puerto Rico to New York City as an infant. My parents, like so many others, had made the difficult decision to leave their homeland and […]