Lately I have been trying to imagine what it’s like to live in Truro. Really, I have no idea. Although I have been next door, in Provincetown, going on 60 […]
Lawrence of the Dunes
Remembering a man who lived life on his own terms
I imagine Lawrence Schuster as a child in 1950s Pennsylvania being asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and answering, with steely blue eyes and a […]
Ancestors and Descendants
Shadows of the past and our unknowable future
My father was born near the end of the 19th century (1897); I arrived near the middle of the 20th (1945); my four grandchildren, early in the 21st (between 2005 […]
Living in Three Dimensions
We drive cars, fly in planes, and mostly live indoors
On the way to the beach, I passed a trellis festooned — indeed, overpowered — by English Ivy. Let’s call it a hedge. I had to stop, because emanating from […]
Celebrating Stormy
There is more than one path to a life well lived
Last Friday night I joined a crowd in Provincetown’s beautiful town hall to celebrate the life and career of Charles “Stormy” Mayo III. With all those who were there, I […]
Unthinkable Thoughts
Facing our own finitude takes courage
Some things are difficult to think about. The difficulty could lie in their complexity. I can’t wrap my brain around quantum mechanics, black holes, or the Electoral College. But other […]
New Bird in Town
The ravens are back, and they are building a nest
We are more than halfway through April, and the air is already full of birdsong. It seems every other bush in town hosts a song sparrow, lustily bellowing his qualifications […]
Waiting for the Tody
A little Puerto Rican bird that expanded my world
I fell in love with the little bird long before I saw it. Maybe it was the name. I was on a plane to Puerto Rico, studying the Princeton Guide […]
Taking Inventory
An adventure in living-room archaeology
I was amused to hear recently that archeologists had unearthed some salacious graffiti in Pompeii. I am not sure why this gladdens my heart so much, but it does. It […]
Ruled by Our Stuff
Does a man own his house or does the house own him?
I have never forgotten a story I heard over 50 years ago. A guy I worked with had an epiphany (perhaps inspired by something he read, perhaps by psychedelics) and […]
Perspective Versus Hyperbole
Facts are taken in through an emotional filter
Here’s something we all can agree on: we live in a beautiful place, largely free of dissension and stress. The world over the bridge is an increasingly scary place, full […]
Losing Our Connection
Baby turtles as a remedy for ‘species loneliness’
I am walking with my dog, Dory, along Provincetown’s Old Colony Nature Trail on an unusually mild January day. I pause at a certain spot, as I do every day, […]
In Pursuit of the Hearty Garlic
The market and the community, with and without pickles
The shelves and coolers at Stop & Shop have a plethora of pickles. There are dill pickles aplenty: hot dill, kosher dill, hamburger dill, and baby dill. There are half […]
Paul Tasha: An Appreciation
A Provincetown original who knew exactly who he was
Decades ago, local visionary Jay Critchley created “P-Town, Inc. — Formerly Provincetown,” a satirical project in which he imagined the inevitable gentrification of the town and its transformation from a […]
Resolved: A Better Version of the Self
‘How to live this life of ours well and naturally’
The establishment of the first of January as the beginning of the “new year” is entirely artificial. A better date for a celebration would be the spring equinox — or […]