Town of Truro
AT 5:00 PM
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Proposed Amendments to the Town of Truro Zoning Bylaws: The Town of Truro Planning Board will hold a public hearing pursuant to G.L. c.40A, §5 regarding proposed amendments to the following sections of the Town of Truro Zoning Bylaws:
2025 Annual Town Meeting:
Amend §40.5.B, Communication Structures, Buildings and Appurtenances, Requirements
Amendment to §40.5.B.3, adding requirement of conformity to Building Code loading requirements; and new section 40.5.B.4, adding requirement of on-site condition assessment for modifications to tower/equipment.
New Bylaw §40.10, Lot Coverage and Naturalized Green Space, including new definition, §10.4 and amendment to §50.1.A, Table
New §40.10 establishes Maximum Lot Coverage requirement and Minimum Naturalized Green Space requirement and amends §10.4 to add definition of Naturalized Green Space; and amends §50.1.A, Table of Area and Height Regulations to add dimensional requirements for Lot Coverage and Naturalized Green Space, including new note 10, application to Residential District only.
New Overlay District and Amendment to Zoning Map: Walsh Overlay District
Amends Bylaw §90.5 to add new §90.5.E, Walsh Overlay District, including description of Overlay District and incorporation of Overlay District Map into Zoning Map and Zoning Bylaw; amends §10.4 to add new definitions; amends §20.1, Districts Enumerated, to add Walsh Overlay District; amends §20.2, Purposes of Districts, to add Purpose of Walsh Overlay District; amends §20.3, Location of Districts, to incorporate new Walsh Overlay District Map into Zoning Bylaw; amends §30 to add new §30.x, Walsh Overlay District, creating subdistricts for residential and mixed-use development, and for recreation.
The proposed zoning bylaw amendments, including a map of the Walsh Overlay District are available for review in the Truro Planning Department in Town Hall; online using the following link and viewing under News & Announcements:; or by contacting the Planning Department Assistant at (508) 214-0935 or [email protected].
Rich Roberts, Planning Board Chair
Dave Bannard, Zoning Task Force Chair
Published: Provincetown Independent, March 13 and March 20, 2025