Schedule change: Starting in March, Irish, old time, country music sessions at Mean Burgers in Wellfleet will be 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the 2nd, 4th (and 5th) Tuesdays of the month. Hosted by Denya LeVine and Tim Dickey. For questions. Please contact: [email protected]. [3-13]
Wallpaper installation by Peter Burnetter, master painter and paperhanger. Full-service contractor. Interiors and exteriors. Please call 508-349-0161. [4-24]
Professional house painting. All phases interior and exterior, house and deck washing, insured. Reliable, top job, done with care. Call Dan LePoidevin Painting Co. 508-349-9234. [2-27]
Lady Di, Provincetown’s Sweetheart, on the web around the globe. Live on every Wed. 5-7 p.m. and Sat. 10 p.m.-midnight. Or tune in to WMCK-FM every Fri. 5-7 p.m., Mon. 5-7 p.m., Wed. 3-5 p.m. or to WMCB FM every Sun. 11 p.m.-1 a.m., Tues. 10-12 p.m., Fri. 8-10 a.m. More: [email protected]. [4-10]
Need legal help? The Law Office of John A. Nealon serves the Outer Cape in all real estate matters, personal injury, wills, estate administration, and criminal defense. 95 Lecount Hollow Road, Wellfleet. Call or text 508-380-5885. [3-6]
Roofing and siding experts with reasonable prices, specializing in roofs, trim, decks, chimneys, siding, and windows. Reliable with great local references (Provincetown Airport, National Seashore, etc.) who are happy with our work. Over 30 years of experience. Licensed, insured, and bonded. Call Hector at Emmanuel Construction for an estimate. 508-367-1679. [2-27]
Peace. Has the time arrived when Humanity is able to digest the remarkable REALity of how simple it could be to raise the consciousness on our Planet? The qualitative Mindfulness we collectively could experience? Find Peace Poet Laureate Linda Ohlson Graham on Provincetown Community Television’s YouTube: [2-27]
Year-round art studio space to rent in Provincetown, Truro or Wellfleet by P’town resident. 350 square feet minimum. Natural light, separate access. Ventilation for light odorless mineral spirit use. Do you have an underutilized, somewhat-insulated garage or shed, spare room, extra commercial space? Excellent local references, leave-no-trace practice. 917-678-0350. [5-8]
Roommate wanted for 5 BR in Provincetown. Two men seeking a third roommate. Private bedroom. 2 shared full baths. Shared kitchen. $900 includes all utilities. Nonsmokers only, great reference required, please. Available now to May 15. If interested, email [email protected] or call 617-686-8284. [2-27]
Apartment in S. Eastham. 800 sq. feet. second floor walk-up. $1,900 includes utilities, cable TV. Mostly furnished. Ideally for single person. No smoking. Small dog OK. Landlady and dog live ground floor. Sorry no WD. Laundromat nearby. Email [email protected] or call 508-685-2812. No texting please. [3-13]
Your ad here. Submissions in the Year-Round Rentals category are free!
Operations manager at the Wellfleet Oyster Alliance. Join our efforts to protect, promote, and preserve the shellfishing industry in Wellfleet. Core responsibilities include overseeing the office space, organizing meetings, and assisting the board of directors. Position available now. More info and how to apply at Deadline is March 1. [2-27]
Are you organized, a good communicator, and numbers competent? Oh, and you want to support local journalism? We’ve got the perfect half time job for you here at the Indie. Join our ad sales team. It’s work that sustains us. Email business development manager Emma Doyle at [email protected] with your resume. [2-27]
Full-time Dog Groomer. Join the supportive, fun environment at Woof Woof Beauty Parlor. Please have 5 years’ experience, proficiency in all breeds, genuine love for dogs, positive attitude, strong communication skills. Client list a bonus. Starts Feb. 1. Provincetown. 60 percent commission. Send resume and grooming portfolio to [email protected]. Year-round housing available. [3-13]
Quaker worship. Come learn a bit about Quakers, spend time in silent worship, and reflect on your experience. Drop-ins welcome. Wednesday evenings, 6-7 p.m., through March 26. UU Meeting House, 236 Commercial St., Provincetown. For more information: [email protected]. [3-6]
An evening of Taizé. An ecumenical, contemplative, candlelit service of Taizé song, silence, and prayer to encourage a deepened sense of God’s presence in the midst of world hostilities. Friday, February 27 at 5:30pm. Wellfleet Methodist Church, 246 Main St. [2-27]
Discover something you love with Nauset Adult & Community Ed in 2025! Yoga, drumming, ukulele, languages, fitness, writing, and more. Register now for classes in Wellfleet, Eastham, Orleans, Brewster. View details and sign up at, click the Adult & Community Education button. [3-13]
The spring session of Truro Community Education is ahead, with classes on fitness, quilting, singing, watercolor, gardening, cooking, meditation, and more. We are welcoming several new instructors and offering 8 free classes. Learn more by calling Heather Harper at 508-487-1558 x203 or go to the school’s site at [3-20]
Senior Planet Smartphone Photography class at the Provincetown Council on Aging. Free 5-week course exploring your smartphone’s digital camera. Pre-requisite: must bring to class your own iPhone iOS 9 or later or Android OS 9 or later. Starts March 3. Mondays and Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Call 508-258-2299 to register. [2-27]
Community announcements of up to 50 words are free! Give everyone the news about your community service activities or nonprofit offerings here. Just send them to us at: [email protected].