Every year it’s the same song and dance: we emphasize resolutions, as if we’re going to completely change our lives the minute the calendar rolls over. We’re a week into 2025 and some of us already feel behind. Feel free to blame nature and the stars.
As far as the stars go, the Sun is still in Capricorn, the sign of planning and preparation. It’s also opposing Mars, the planet of passions and drive. All this is working firmly against the idea of starting something new.
Then there’s nature. Winter is when Mother Nature is at rest in this hemisphere. Isn’t there some wisdom in the idea of recuperating from the other three seasons?
Instead of trying to figure out how to become a brand new person in a constant state of doing, maybe just take some time to rest. Think about the next year as a whole. Give yourself some time.
Remember, you don’t sow seeds in winter; you sow them in the spring.
March 21 – April 19
Dwelling on past slights can keep you from enjoying the moment. Old wounds may make it difficult to move on, especially if you haven’t done the work to heal them.
April 20 – May 20
Has something been standing in the way of love and contentment for you? Love can come in many forms. The question for you is your willingness to let it grow.
May 21 – June 20
Setting your standards high is not a bad thing — it gives you something to aspire to. But finding contentment with the practical is an important step on the way.
June 21 – July 22
Fighting the past isn’t worth losing your cool in the present and will keep you from focusing on your future. If you’re feeling hurt about something unresolved, face it or be doomed to repeat it.
July 23 – Aug. 22
A healthy dose of rivalry can take you to new heights. You’ll need creativity and ingenuity to come out on top. And make sure you choose the right foe.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Things have a way of working themselves out. If you’re willing to open up, friends and family will help you get through your latest struggles.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
Everything requires upkeep, especially relationships. You may find this frustrating, but you’re not all sunshine and daisies either. Try to remember the times your loved ones have been there for you.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Protecting your peace of mind is especially important right now. You may be prone to frustration and outbursts if you’re not careful. Give yourself space so others don’t receive your ire.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
You’re likely to be frustrated with both routines and relationships this week. Steer clear of social settings that require you to be “on.” A “fake it till you make it” strategy is not going to help right now.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Conceding isn’t losing, though it’s hard for you to shake that idea. It is reasonable for others to have needs and concerns. What are you willing to give? Everything in life requires negotiation.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
You’ll start to see a glimmer of hope this week about the payoff to come after the hard work and careful planning you’ve done over the past several months. Be patient.
Feb. 19 – March 20
Give yourself a goal and focus on it, then let momentum get you through these trying times. There’s also power in adapting to your surroundings.