Town of Provincetown
Public Hearing
Historic District Commission
September 7, 2022
The Provincetown Historic District Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 3:30 P.M. on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, in the Judge Welsh Room at Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA.
Public Hearings will be held for the following applications requesting a Certificate to be issued in accordance with the Provincetown Historic District Commission established under the General By-Laws, Chapter 15 of the Town of Provincetown.
HDC 22-140
Application by Erich Rhynhart requesting to replace an existing fence and entry gate and to continue fencing along a front and east side yard corner on the property located at 70 Bradford Street.
HDC 22-153
Application by Robert Wentz requesting to replace a picket fence on the property located at 19 Pearl Street.
HDC 22-171
Application by Chip Brock requesting to install a garden shed on the property located at 21 Tremont Street.
HDC 22-172
Application by George Tobin requesting to add a dormer section to connect two existing dormers and to install two windows on the structure located at 15 Cottage Street, U7.
HDC 22-178
Application by Ted Smith, on behalf of Firas Shilaimon et al., requesting to extend and reconfigure existing dormers on east and west elevations and to reconfigure window and door fenestration on the south elevation on the structure located at 366 Commercial Street.
HDC 22-179
Application by Kevin Bazarian, on behalf of 28-32 Standish St. Property Ltd., requesting to remove a stair and a landing and replace a door on an east elevation, add a landing and egress stair on the second floor, remove a ramp and reconfigure a landing and stair on the south elevation, and move an existing door 3’ toward a corner of the structure located at 28-32 Standish Street, U32C.
HDC 22-180
Application by Kevin Bazarian, on behalf of 28-32 Standish St. Property Ltd., requesting to expand a deck on the west elevation and replace a railing with captured balusters on the property located at 28-32 Standish Street, U28C.
HDC 22-181
Application by Bradford Walker, on behalf of John R. Bradfield et vir., requesting to remove a wrap-around deck, replace, reconfigure and relocate windows and doors, enclose an ell overhang on a southeast corner and add a porch roof on the south elevation, add two decks and revise the façade on the north elevation of a structure, and to demolish and reconstruct an existing garage, adding a workshop on the northwest corner, on the property located at 622 Commercial Street.
HDC 22-182
Application by Bradford Walker, on behalf of Kathryn Livelli 2021 Family Trust, requesting to move one front door and relocate another front door, to re-size two and add a third window on the north elevation, to reconfigure two windows, repair a porch, and add an at-grade wooden deck on the south elevation, to replace window inserts on both the main structure and an existing cottage with wood windows, and to repair a foundation with interior posts and beams or concrete with a brick veneer to match the existing on the property located at 587 Commercial Street.
HDC 22-183
Application by Bradford Walker, on behalf of the Douglas Robson Revocable Trust, requesting to construct a new single-family structure on the property located at 5 Pilgrims Landing.
HDC 22-184
Application by Tom Thompson requesting to erect a fence on the property located at 3 Fishburn Court.
HDC 22-185
Application by Todd Westrick, on behalf of Ian K. Tzeng et vir., requesting to construct a retaining wall and a set of seven entrance steps on the property located at 8 Cudworth Street.
HDC 22-189
Application by Thomas Marlitt requesting to replace a full-glass door with a casement window and two patio sliders with a four-panel bifold door on the structure located at 147 Commercial Street, UL10.
HDC 22-190
Application by Kevin O’Shea requesting to add new shutters on a main façade, replace siding, install a new door/window on the west elevation, and to add a skylight, a porch roof over an existing side entrance, new storage sheds on the east elevation, and a gable to a current flat roof addition, and to remove a roof deck on the north elevation of the structure located at 90 Bradford Street.
Laurie Delmolino, Chair
Posted by the Assistant Town Clerk, 08/10/2022, 11:30 am AR
Published: The Independent August 18 and 25, 2022
Town of Provincetown
Public Hearing
Zoning Board of Appeals
September 1, 2022
The Provincetown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 1, 2022, in the Judge Welsh Room in Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA on the following cases:
ZBA 22-41
Application by Scott Grady, on behalf of the Peter John Petas Living Trust, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Section 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to reconfigure a building up an along pre-existing, non-conforming east and west side yard setbacks on the property located at 463 Commercial Street (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 22-43
Notice of Appeal by Michael Miller for an inability to obtain a Special Permit for a change of use to include retail sales at the property located at 199 Commercial Street, U8 (Town Center Commercial Zone).
ZBA 22-45
Application by Ted Smith, on behalf of Firas Shilaimon et al., seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Section 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to extend and reconfigure existing dormers going up and along pre-existing, non-conforming east and west side yard setbacks on the structure located at 366 Commercial Street (Town Center Commercial Zone).
ZBA 22-46
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of PV Development, LLC, seeking a Variance from Article 2, Section 2560, Dimensional Schedule, of the Zoning By-Laws to construct a new duplex that will not meet the dimensional requirement for a front yard setback on the property located at 170 Bradford Street Extension (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 22-48
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of Edward M. Stuart et vir., seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2450, Permitted Accessory Uses, G12, Swimming pool, of the Zoning By-Laws to install a swimming pool on the property located at 416 Commercial Street (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 22-49
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of 3 Pilgrims Landing Property, LP, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2450, Permitted Accessory Uses, G12, Swimming pool, of the Zoning By-Laws to install a swimming pool on the property located at 3 Pilgrims Landing (Residential 1 Zone).
Jeremy Callahan, Chair
Posted by the Assistant Town Clerk:, 08/10/2022, 11:40 am AR
The Independent: August 18 and 25, 2022
Town of Provincetown
Public Hearing
Licensing Board
September 13, 2022
The Provincetown Licensing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 5:15 p.m. in the Judge Welsh Room at Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, Massachusetts, to hear:
Special Alcohol License
Petition from Kathleen Weiner, representing Outer Cape Health Services for a Special Alcohol License for an event to be held on October 8, 2022 between 3pm and 7:30pm at 1 High Pole Hill Rd. No rain dates requested.
Special Entertainment and Special Alcohol Licenses
Petition Caitlyn Garvan representing the Garvan Wedding for Special Entertainment and Special Alcohol Licenses for an event to be held on September 17, 2022 between 4:30pm and 10pm at 1 High Pole Hill Rd. No rain dates requested.
Comments may be submitted during the hearing or in writing to the Licensing Board, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA 02657 or [email protected] by September 12, noon.
Posted: Town Hall, 08/17/2022, 2:40 pm AR
Published: Independent: August 25 and September 1, 2022