Wellfleet Bay Audubon teams have begun their season of rescuing cold-stunned sea turtles. That’s staff member Jacey Corrente, above, collecting a live Kemp’s ridley at Campground Beach in Eastham. November’s erratic winds seem to have driven the turtles into unusual nooks and crannies along the bay. The wind has made the rescue work tough, too, with one research team braving the late-night walk along the six miles of Wellfleet’s Great Island in 14-degree wind chill weather. As of Thanksgiving weekend, nearly 200 turtles had been rescued, according to the sanctuary’s Jenette Kerr. Pre-register for the Sea Turtle Patrol program to learn what to do if you find a turtle: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 to 11 a.m. and Monday, Dec. 9, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call the sanctuary for details: 508-349-2615.