Take Two (Thursday, Sept. 23)
In a rescheduled event, Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill welcomes the Red Hawk Singers and Dancers to its outdoor stage at Edgewood Farm, 3 Edgewood Way in Truro, on Thursday, Sept. 23, 5 to 6:30 p.m. The group, founded in 1996, honors indigenous culture. Registration is free, with donations appreciated, at castlehill.org.
Stand to Attention (Thursday, Sept. 23)
Payomet Performing Arts Center, 29 Old Dewline Road in Truro, will revisit its military past as a radar station with a screening of Out of Service: A Cold War Memory on Thursday, Sept. 23, 5 p.m. There will be a discussion with filmmaker Rebecca M. Alvin, producer Kevin Rice, and personnel who served at the base. Registration is free at payomet.org.
Warm Up (Thursday, Sept. 23)
As part of Climate Preparedness Week, the Wellfleet Public Library is hosting a Zoom talk with Daniel Sherrell about his new book, Warmth, on Thursday, Sept. 23, 7 to 8 p.m. Sherrell examines climate change from an emotional perspective. Register at wellfleetlibrary.org.
Be Prepared (Friday, Sept. 24)
The Provincetown Public Library hosts a Zoom talk with New York Times bestselling author David Pogue about his book How to Prepare for Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos on Friday, Sept. 24, 2 p.m. The event is part of Climate Preparedness Week. Register at provincetownlibrary.org.
Clear as Krysta (Friday-Saturday, Sept. 24-Sept. 25)
Broadway actress and singer Krysta Rodriguez will perform at the Provincetown Art House, 214 Commercial St., for two nights: Friday, Sept. 24 and Saturday, Sept. 25, 7 p.m. Rodriguez most recently starred as Liza Minnelli in Halston. Tickets range from $50 to $100 at provincetownarthouse.com.
Go Dog Go (Saturday, Sept. 25)
The Cape and Islands Police K9 Relief Fund will hold its 13th Annual Motorcycle Run on Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 to 11 a.m. The fund helps offset veterinary costs for retired police dogs. Participants meet at Patriot Square, Route 134 in South Dennis, then ride to MacMillan Wharf in Provincetown, where light refreshments will be served. The cost is $20 per rider, $10 per passenger. Sign up at capecodpolicek9.org.
Poet’s Corner (Saturday, Sept. 25)
There will be a reading celebrating the release of From the Farther Shore: Discovering Cape Cod and the Islands Through Poetry at Castle Hill’s Edgewood Farm, 3 Edgewood Way in Truro, on Saturday, Sept. 25, 3 to 5 p.m. The new poetry anthology, an imprint of the Cultural Center of Cape Cod, is a collaboration between Calliope Poetry and Bass River Press. The event is free.
Gala-vanting (Saturday, Sept. 25)
Provincetown Arts Press’s annual gala fundraiser will take place Saturday, Sept. 25, 4 to 6 p.m. at the Mary Heaton Vorse House, 466 Commercial St. in Provincetown. The event will be hosted by Jay Critchley, with a performance by Billy Hough. Tickets are $75 to $100, with all proceeds benefiting the publication of Provincetown Arts.
Consigning Art (Saturday, Sept. 25)
The 34th Annual Consignment Auction of Early Provincetown Art, hosted by the Provincetown Art Association and Museum, will close virtually on Saturday, Sept. 25, 7 p.m., at which time live bidding will begin. There are over 100 lots by Ross Moffett, Karl Knaths, Arthur Cohen, Lillian Orlowsky, Selina Trieff, and others. Visit paam.liveauctioneers.com to browse and bid.
Origin Story (Sunday, Sept. 26)
Nauset Fellowship presents “Beginnings,” a Zoom event about the Provincetown Players — the famed theater troupe that launched Eugene O’Neill’s career — on Sunday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m. It includes a rare 1886 recording of some of the original players and their descendants, including Joel O’Brien, Trixie Faust, and Miriam Hapgood DeWitt. Registration is free at nfuu.org.
Plein as Day (Monday-Wednesday, Sept.27-Sept. 29)
The Provincetown Art Association and Museum, 460 Commercial St., hosts “Outside: Working With Weather,” a plein air workshop with Christie Scheele, from Monday, Sept. 27 through Wednesday, Sept. 29, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Registration is $310 at paam.org.
Playing Catch (Wednesday, Sept. 29)
The Truro Public Library hosts a Zoom interview with author Juliette Fay on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fay will discuss her new novel, Catch Us When We Fall, a “well-paced story of addiction and redemption,” according to the description. Register at trurolibrary.org.