Lucas Elias إلياس Dae Clemons was born on Nov. 28, 2020. His mother, Monirà Marzouki, dreamed she was holding a shining light on Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown, and some months after she told the dream to his father, Tommy Clemons, Lucas, who is called “Dae Dae,” was born at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge. Both of his names are derived from words meaning light. His father is a musician, artist, and bartender at Victor’s and the Canteen. His mother is an educator and psychologist. Grandparents Peter Clemons and Marianne Benson are artists who live in Somerville and work in a dune shack called the Grail. Lucas enjoys napping in his trailer while his mama bikes on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. He prefers the bayside. He likes to splash while dipping his feet in the water, and he never gets tired of bouncing — both activities that make him giggle. Dae Dae can spend hours on his beach chair screeching, when he is not eating sand.