Oso Nikomo Portnoy-Kim was born on April 25, 2021 at the BirthPlace at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth to Eben Portnoy of Wellfleet and Shirley Kim-Ryu of Seoul and Los Angeles. He has spent the past couple of months inflating rapidly, with love and support from grandparents Dee and John Portnoy of Wellfleet, and aunt and uncle Gwendolyn and Yisak Kim of Los Angeles. Oso enjoys watching the treetops wave in the wind, shouting belligerently at his father, and dancing to gamelan music. He’s looking forward to meeting his cousin Gili, due back soon from Taiwan, and his grandparents and cousins in South Korea. As a third generation Wellfleetian, he can’t wait to take his first dip at Newcomb Hollow. (Photo courtesy Eben Portnoy)