Go to eastham-ma.gov/calendar-by-event-type/16 and click on a meeting to read its agenda and get information about how to view and take part remotely.
Monday, Nov. 30
- Eastham 400 Commemoration Committee, 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 1
- T-Time Committee, 5 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 2
- Board of Assessors, 11 a.m.
- Community Preservation Committee, 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 3
- Zoning Board of Appeals, 5 p.m.
Conversation Starters
Covid-19 Update
As of Nov. 19, Eastham had 4 new active cases within the last 14 days, 21 cases considered recovered, and no deaths from the virus.
The select board voted to appoint Suzanne Bryan and Steven Sukovich to the conservation commission, Patricia Turiello to the council on aging board of directors, and Alicia Couture as an alternate member of the recycling committee.
Moderator Scott Kerry reappointed Michael Sarcione and appointed Yasmine McNeillis to replace departing member Glenn Olson on the Cape Cod Regional Technical School Committee.
Liquor License Renewals
The select board approved annual liquor license renewals at its Nov. 16 meeting for the 7-Eleven, Brick House, and Local Break and postponed voting on a renewal for Willy’s World Wellness and Conference Center.
“There are multiple issues regarding approval of a liquor license for Willy’s World regarding the current status of serving alcohol as well as historic violations of the liquor license,” said chair Jamie Demetri. “For these reasons further research needs to be done into this liquor license.”
Board member Arthur Autorino objected to holding up the liquor license based on prior violations, for which the gym had been shut down for a number of months.
“She lost quite a lot of business,” said Autorino. “Are we just now saying let’s do some more punishment on this by not renewing her license?”
Town Administrator Jacqui Beebe questioned whether a gym should have a liquor license at all.
“I think we need to ask the question, should a gym have a liquor license, and the board of selectmen is the licensing authority and can make that decision,” said Beebe. “It’s a legitimate question.”
—Linda Culhane