On County Government
To the editor:
I wish to thank the many Provincetown voters who gave me their votes and the prospect of my fourth term as your delegate to the Barnstable County Assembly. I would like to think that the low number of “blank” votes in this down-end-of-the-ballot town election reflects a growing community awareness of the significant role that county government plays in our region.
Our county home rule charter states the function of the regional government is to provide “…the structure to deal with regional issues which transcend the existing boundaries of municipal governments.” During the present epidemic, the very critical organizing work of the county health and environment team has been reflected in our relatively good outcomes. Barnstable County’s case rate is among the lowest in the Commonwealth — less than a quarter of those of the worst-hit areas.
I anticipate, with the election of Sheila Lyons and Mark Forest to the Board of County Commissioners, and with several new progressive assembly delegates also coming aboard in January, that the ability of county government to address regional needs — Covid-19, reopening the economy, and addressing the climate emergency — will be further strengthened.
Thank you for your confidence.
Brian O’Malley, M.D.